Saturday, April 3, 2010

ISO 9000 Process Based Auditing

ISO 9000 Process Based Auditing

Any effective quality management system (including the subsystems) works as a control process, which has the ability to detect deviations and nonconforming products and assures that the corrective and preventive action measures are effective. The regulatory auditor should check that all subsystems and processes of the quality management system are structured as self-regulating control processes. For example Deming’s PDCA cycle demonstrates such a process with the following components:

i) Plan – Has the manufacturer established the objectives and processes to enable the quality system to deliver the results in accordance with the regulatory requirements?

ii) Do – Has the manufacturer implemented the quality system and the processes?

iii) Check – Has the manufacturer checked process monitoring and measurement results against the objectives and the regulatory requirements? Does the manufacturer evaluate the effectiveness of the quality system periodically through internal audits and management reviews?

iv) Act – Has the manufacturer implemented effective corrective and preventive actions? Confirm that the company is committed to providing high quality safe and effective medical devices, and that the company is conforming with applicable laws and regulations.


  1. Hi

    I like this post:

    You create good material for community.

    Please keep posting.

    Let me introduce other material that may be good for net community.

    Source: ISO 9001 audit

    Best rgs

  2. There is additional time to provide feedback on the future of ISO Auditor Training. You can fill out the attached template or work with other colleagues in gathering information. The topics need to be focused on those in N867 available through SharePoint. If you feel strongly about a topic not listed on N867, please go ahead and submit the information for consideration.
